MouthFist Episode 11

mfp-logo-smEpisode 11: The Lost Episode
Length: 1:14:48

Originally recorded June 20th, 2013, this particular episode was mothballed due to sound issues (on Steve's end) and intense laziness when faced with having to spend time fixing them (on Ryan's end). Finally having gotten around to barely bothering to edit it before one of them ends up dying, the finished product is provided for your undesired listening.

In this episode, Ryan and Steve rag hard on comic writers, Superman, D.C. Comics, and Prometheus, as well as give their thoughts on Dredd , "Game Of Thrones" vs. A Song Of Ice And Fire, and the requisite talk about Warhammer. (And, of course, there's a deluge of fucking spoilers. Be warned.)

No one's exactly clamoring for more and Steve's schedule and health keep the show from being regularly recorded, so this one-year-later podcast might be the final outing of MouthFist... Or will it?


MouthFist Episode 10

mfp-logo-smEpisode 10: Just A Lotta Rapin' Goin' On
Length: 1:02:59

One or two people might have been left wondering where the MouthFist Podcast went after three months of silence. Ryan and Steve finally return to answer that question and show their listeners why they probably shouldn't have wanted another episode.

In what is easily my least-favorite episode of all time, I am talked into recording a podcast while not mentally feeling up to it, leading to a slow and disjointed discussion of a trip that I didn't really want to talk about at too much length and thought I was going to write a detailed synopsis/travelogue of. What should have just been a Skype call between Ryan and Steve to catch up turns into something other people have to listen to, as we drone on and on about industrial music and a rundown of the Cold Waves Jamie Duffy Memorial Show in Chicago is given.

If you've come for the funny, you probably won't find it, as not much interesting is said, unless you're an industrial music fan or want to hear about Ryan & Steve's opinions on Amanda Palmer's PR disaster. Perhaps Ryan should have followed through with his threat to pad it out to 2 hours with Windows system noises.

The next episode will be drastically better.


MouthFist Episode 9

mfp-logo-smEpisode 9: The Least Relevant Thing Ever
Length: 1:26:07

After not bothering to record for six weeks and Ryan not being concerned enough to edit the audio for another three, MouthFist returns with a scattered, sometimes tired, and mainly tangential podcast that attempts to cover things done or watched during that downtime and failing.

Things start out simple enough with discussion about the triumphant launch of The Avengers and Ryan & Steve's viewing of low-budget direct-to-DVD thriller The Aggression Scale, but soon all meaning is lost as they meander to talk about comic films in general, the inability to make a decent Punisher film, what the fuck Scott Speedman has been doing, and the comic artists of the early 90's. Plus racism?

Come for the comedy and stay for as long as you can before giving up and stopping.

MouthFist Episode 8

mfp-logo-smEpisode 8: Rambling Nonsense For The Tenth Straight Week

Hot on the heels of Episode 7's recording, Ryan & Steve don't let the lack of a firm topic stop them from filling over an hour of your time.

Steve wants to talk about The Hunger Games for no good reason, which is followed by a less-than-together discussion about what Ryan & Steve have been watching and might be watching someday soon. Then the British get involved and you probably fall asleep from boredom. (Unless jokes about pedophilia and thoughts of last week's porn-stravaganza can keep you awake.)

MouthFist Episode 7

mfp-logo-smEpisode 7: Our Bodies, Ourselves
Length: 1:15:02

After an unintentional hiatus, Ryan and Steve are back for a special mid-week release of the latest in MouthFist-ing, deciding for whatever reason to once again attempt a "listener" question.

Queried about the current somewhat-gross state of modern pornography, Ryan is forced to explain violent throat-fucking blowjobs to Steve. Snowball becomes avalanche as the topic takes over much of the podcast, in what some would undoubtedly call "Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Sex And Would Never Have Asked". Ryan and Steve pour out more than enough personal sexual details to make their listeners feel ill.

Having wasted more than enough time on the very non-media-related topic, they switch to covering the latest Warhammer 40,000 RPG, Only War, as well as their thoughts on this week's movie releases.