MouthFist Episode 6 - Part 1

mfp-logo-smEpisode 6 - Part 1: A Day Late...
Length: 1:09:56

Despite setting themselves only three topics to discuss, Ryan and Steve somehow managed to talk for nearly two hours. Sure, it was mainly rambling bullshit and Ryan could have edited it down into yet another over-long episode, but Steve's inability to make a decent segue or wrap up a topic in such a way that any portion could be edited out smoothly gave little room to edit without turning the entire episode into a choppy mess. (Also, it'd be a lot of work. Though Ryan would have enjoyed cutting the same listener question from the podcast two weeks in a row.)

Following the path of least resistence, Ryan bought himself a week by splitting this gem into a two-parter. In this somewhat-delayed first half, the topics of Mass Effect 3, Wasteland 2, and attitudes of entitlement in gaming are broached, as well as a non-topic regarding the issue of the Steampunk genre, and quite a bit more video-game-related fare.


The last thing our few listeners hear before giving up the podcast for good may include the following:

...And no conclusion at all!

Tune in sometime between now and next Monday for the second installment, featuring talk about Stake Land and Prometheus.

mp3 MouthFist Episode 6 Part 1


Size 55.17 MB

Yet a further warning: This podcast is not safe for children, adults, or Clive Barker. Do not expose pregnant woman to this podcast. Maybe just don't listen to it at all. I mean, there's horse rape and a lot of cancer and internet panhandling and it will spoil the Mass Effect games for you.

You can find Steve at Diary Of A Grognerd and Ryan at, as per usual.

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